
Creating big impact in small spaces for urban stores

Marks & Spencer, Hong Kong & Singapore 

Maximum Product to Footprint 

Pure Cold manufactured and supplied self-contained cases to small urban format Marks & Spencer stores in Hong Kong and Singapore. The product brief was delivered in a three month period from concept to delivery, featuring a high-end look and feel enabling self-contained fixtures capable of a large display area to a minimal footprint.  

Ambient and Location Challenges 

Designed for the South East Asian market, the case range demanded performance in challenging climates both in terms of ambient condition and store location with many of the locations to multiple level existing mixed use development buildings. Numerous materials and products approvals were also necessary given that some of the locations were underground train stations with the stringent processes in place around flammable materials. 

Food to Go Ranging 

Although self-contained and delivered to a standard height to navigate through elevators and doorways, product range was critical. The cases included 8 shelf profiles and 2’ bay shelving. The range is ideal for upscale food to go merchandising to small urban format locations.